In some cases a ban may not be permanent and will expire after a certain period of time. Suspensions are commonly used as a punitive measure for abuse of game glitches, harassing players, or benefiting from hacks. Temporary bans may also be utilized in case a violation cannot be fully proven, as is common with anti-cheating methods based on supervision or statistical detection.
Historically, some game companies have also taken legal measures against individuals that have created and sold cheating tools in video games as a means to curb their use. Anti-cheat experts have argued that it is particularly important to take legal steps against entities who profit from making and selling cheats.[39] In April 2013, coder DrUnKeN ChEeTaH was sued by Nexon America for operating GameAnarchy, a popular subscription based cheat provider for Combat Arms, and lost, Nexon being awarded $1.4M in damages.[40] In January 2017, Riot Games successfully sued the LeagueSharp service, which offered a subscription-based hacking service for Riot's League of Legends, with a $10 million award to be paid to Riot.[41][42] Blizzard Entertainment sued Bossland GMBH for distributing software hacks for several of its games, and was awarded $8.5 million in damages.[43][44] Epic Games, producers of the battle royale game Fortnite have sued two cheaters partnered with AddictedCheats, who offer cheating services for a variety of online games.[45]
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The Konami Code was created by Kazuhisa Hashimoto, who was developing the home port of the 1985 arcade game Gradius for the NES. Finding the game too difficult to play through during testing, he created the cheat code, which gives the player a full set of power-ups (normally attained gradually throughout the game).[2] After entering the sequence using the controller when the game was paused the player received all available power-ups. The code was meant to be removed prior to publishing, but this was overlooked and only discovered as the game was being prepared for mass production. The developers decided to leave it there, as removing it could result in new bugs and glitches. The sequence was easy enough to remember for testers and simultaneously sufficiently hard to enter accidentally during the gameplay for unsuspecting users.[citation needed] 2ff7e9595c